Vigeland Park

A visit to Oslo's Vigeland Park.

August 20, 2017


“This is my religion” —Gustav Vigeland

The Vigeland sculpture park in Oslo is one of the most amazing things I have ever seen. While visiting Oslo for only a short weekend, I found myself needing to return a second day just to take in what I had witnessed.

It was difficult for me to comprehend that this gigantic park of over 340 acres was mainly designed by Gustav Vigeland. It includes over 200 sculptures, and seems to be very much an artwork of his own vision.

vigeland tower

The park is built around a central plaza that includes a tower of humans piled on one another. It is simply astounding, and odd at the sames time.

vigeland tower closeup

The bodies are contorted, nude, pressed against each other rising up into the heavens. It doesn’t really feel sad, or scary, or sexual, it is just a pile of bodies carved in stone.

vigeland babies stone

vigeland baby

vigeland baby skeleton

vigeland baby model

vigeland babies

vigeland gates men

vigeland gates

vigeland parents

vigeland violence