23 posts tagged with "Design"
Servant Leadership
A few thoughts on the topic of leadership put together for a Product Hive panel discussion on July 30, 2018.
Let's talk about fidelity
Building Strong Design Teams
A few thoughts and ideas for leading and building a strong design team.
Robovember 2018
A simple art project with a goal to create an iteration of a robot every day this month.
Calavertubre 2018
A simple art project with a goal to create an iteration of a skull every day this month.
A Wrinkle in Tool Time
Fold space and time to make the user experience better for our customers.
Design Snake Oil
Does design make a difference? Or are we modern peddlers of digital snake oil?
Penrod’s Law
A law to remember for design communication in meetings.
Product Design Alchemy
Product designers are alchemists. We hope to turn ideas into gold.
Fainting Goats
Fainting goats—use your flawed ideas to help get what you want.
Act Well Thy Part
What You Think, You Become
The Fox and the Stork
This print illustrates Aesop's fable of the Fox and the Stork
Cloaked in Techological Glory
The Prayer
Protect Yourself from the Future
Practical advice to help you maintain your humanity in an age where everything trying to take it away.
The Subtle Difference Between Good and Bad
Sometimes the difference between good and bad is barely noticeable.
Shaker Design Philosophy
The rule of thumb for Shaker creations - the best in American design.
The Spell of Technology
Sometimes technology is like real magic, and sometimes it is just an illusion.
The Inventors
Portraits of some of the world's greatest inventors with their creations.
The Road to Expertise
Explores the path it takes to become an expert in your field.
Make it Beautiful
An essay exploring the nature of beauty, in philosophy, neuroscience, spirituality, and aesthetics.
Mucluhan’s Four Laws
Marshall McLuhan’s 4 laws help to understand the effects of media and technology on society.